1st Driving Instructor, Rates & Packages Driving Lessons booking Driving lessons booking service To order a driving lessons service, fill out the form below. Choose your driving lessons package Bronze Packages. 4 lessons. $260+hst. Silver package. 6 lessons. $380 + HST Gold package. 10 lessons. $650 + HST Platinum package. 16 lessons. $990 + HST Ready to schedule your driving lessons or planning to start your driving lessons later? Reserve a start time in advance. Select the month in which you want to start training. December 2021 January 2022 February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 July 2022 August 2022 September 2022 October 2022 Choose a day for your driving lessons Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Choose the half of the day that suits you best 9 am. - 2 pm. 2:30 pm. - 7:30 pm Student`s Name Your Address & Postal code Choose the language you prefer for your driving lesson English French Ukrainian Russian Spanish Parent #1 Name ( for high school students only ) Parent #2 Name ( for high school students only ) The address where the student starts the lesson. (if different from the home address). Home Phone # Your Email Parent #1 Cell Phone & email Parent #2 Cell Phone & email Student's Date of Birth Student`s Gender male female Emergency Notification: Name & Phone *indicate medical or other condition(s) requiring attention. (e.g. medical limitations on student`s activities, medications, etc. If None, state None) medical or other condition I have read and completely agree with the rules and conditions on a top of this page I agree. Please send me an invoice Use Captcha. Simple mathematics 5 + 5 = bestdrivingschool car drive driver driverslicense drivesafe driving drivinginstructor drivinglessons drivinglicence drivinglicense drivingschool drivingtest firsttimepass fredericton freedom learnerdriver learntodrive newbrunswick newdriver pass safedriving success teendriving Previous Online Course Next Thank you for your order Follow us on FacebookLIKE US ON FACEBOOK